"The Most Unusual Game" - Igroprom Award

Published in chapters, including a game and short films. Players can add their own items and influence the plot of future chapters through voting.

What is it?

This is a hybrid transmedia gaming universe developed by the independent association "SameFrame"

This is a mystical detective adventure quest, the action of which takes place in
atmosphere of “Cozy mysticism” of Eastern Europe in the 1980s-1990s.

In the first chapter, we play as an unnamed character who comes to his hometown,
where I had not been since childhood to visit my old friend, scientist Vladimir Mashkov. How
it turned out that Mashkov was experimenting with memories and the ability to travel around
him. Arriving at his friend’s apartment, the main character does not find his scientist friend, but
encounters mystical and inexplicable phenomena. The atmosphere is filled with unusual and
funny puzzles, strange characters, Slavic folklore and numerous

The game was released as a series - it comes out in chapters, the plot of which is based on the voices of the players. Except
In addition, short films are being released that expand the universe. We have prepared
a special core ​for the project, allowing it to develop in different ways, with different mechanics
and even visuals for each episode. The action can unfold from different points of view, and
The plot and even the genre of the game can change at the request of players or investors.

We are open to partners and investors. Write to us in the form below to receive a PDF pitch deck.


A 10 minute short film that tells the beginning of this long story.

So, what's unusual?

Impact on the plot

Players can influence the plot of future chapters by filling out a voting form at the end of each chapter.
By filling out the form, players can offer their ideas, vote for plot branches and write what they liked about the chapter and what they didn’t.
For filling out the form, the player is awarded iKnow tokens (at his request). 

Your locations in the game

Players can order the placement of their items, entire locations based on their memories, and voice characters. Other players will see their names.
Just imagine: your father’s garage may appear in the chapter, or your grandmother’s village house, where you spent your childhood. We will carefully connect all this with the plot.

 iKnow token

The project has its own iKnow token on the TON network.
By playing chapters and completing tasks, you can get tokens for free and earn money from it. Moreover, tokens can be purchased on STON fi right now.

If you already have iKnow tokens, then write to this BOT and it will let you into the closed chat of paid subscribers.

Become a co-author

VIP subscribers are added to the private chat. We model their items and locations with their signatures, and add their ideas to the game. They also receive proprietary information about the project as a whole.

You can become a paid subscriber:
-Or by subscribing to our Boosty
-Or already holding iKnow tokens (write to this Bot)


iKnow token?

Contract: EQCxvMXPTfbX_gY5e31EQUJgiNzpc0TNDIOnP8uZ8br-k27B

•Network: TON

Goal: support (self-financing) of the project and support of players.

•Emission: 100 000 000 iKnow

•Swap: Ston Fi

•Тokenomics:  TonRaffles

•iKnow holders can get into a private chat and become a VIP subscriber to the project. To do this, write to our bot for verification.
You will get the opportunity to add your ideas and items to chapters, as well as airdrops, and also receive chapters for free. Find out more about your options in our public page.

•The token can be obtained for free by purchasing the chapter and finding the tokens inside. We are also giving away free tokens in our public.
You can get tokens for free in this bot.

•Investors and partners have special conditions. Request a pitchdeck below and contact us.


Reviews and Awards

Feedback received at an exhibition in Lisbon when the pilot chapter was shown to the public.
Damjan Stamcar, Sony Europe B.V.

"Very promising first-person quest game. The mysterious
atmosphere kept me going and the difficulty is quite high
even in the first chapter."

Maria Wagnerk, Deutche Welle

“OMG, I enjoyed it so much, I want to play the next chapters!
It gave me happy flashbacks to my childhood memories.”

Merle, Tella Didital

“A very interesting game. The atmosphere and setting are
amazing and nostalgic.”


Received by the team for work on a previous project: a VR simulator (metaverse) of working with dangerous equipment.

Lift-Off Sessions

Lift-off laurel received for the short film "I Know This Place..?" , which is a prequel to the whole story.

35 awards

Sergey Shevtsov, screenwriter and game designer, host of the project "I Know This Place..?" was a member of the jury, and was also published in the international catalog of the best photographs in the world "35 Awards"




Positive reviews


Game chapters/Short Films/DLC


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Prequel "I Know This Place..?". How it all started...

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Chapter I

Chapter I is only pilot chapter. Gameplay time: ~25 min, but deep meaning for 5 hours.

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Chapter II

A full chapter with more than 1 hour of gameplay, already on the UE5 engine. The votes of Chapter I players have been taken into account.

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The film "Useful Radio" is about one of the heroes.

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 iKnow token

If you have iKnow, then you can get into a closed chat and influence the plot and add your own items.

Write to this bot for access to our private chat.

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 iKnow token

If you have tokens, the bot will let you into the private chat of paid subscribers.

You can get iKnow for free for tasks there.

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and Development News

All news and chat! Offer your items, riddles, voiceovers.
Win iKnow tokens. Find the heroes' notes.

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Youtube channel

Teasers and Trailers. I also blog on Youtube, where I often show the process, do live broadcasts with you and upload other videos.

Write to us

Investors and interested companies can request a pitch deck presentation using this form

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